Ingredients :
3 cups of long grain rice
6 tbs of oil
Salt and garlic
How to Prepare :
Place 2 qt. of water to boil
Rinse the rice in a strainer and drain.
Heat the oil in a medium pan, add the drained rice and stir in medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Add salt and garlic; stir for more 2 minutes.
Rice will fry and water evaporate. Add enough boiling water to cover the rice.
Bring it to boil and then reduce the heat to low, cover and let the rice simmer for about 20 minutes or until the water has evaporated.
Keep adding boiling water just enough to cover the cooking grains. The water should be just enough to cover the grains during cooking. Bite one grain. If it is tender, remove the cover, let the remaining water evaporate and the rice is ready!
Serve it warm.
watch this video on how to cook brazilian rice.