Blessing dish fries the making material of water brake: Advocate makings: Water brake dish of 1 jin of blessing 2 the head of garlic 2 valve salt, each a few teachs gourmet powder your blessing course how is the brake that fry water done, how to do blessing dish to fry water brake ability is delicious (1) collects the part with delicate brake giving water with the hand, abluent hind use hot water quick-boil to iron to ripe, cold water of the bubble after be being taken out (or) glacial water, can make water brake color emerald green, through the process with hot quick-boil, also but the acerbity taste with purify water peculiar brake.
(2) blessing dish cuts paragraphs small, the head of garlic cuts end to reserve.
(3) burns hot pot, add oil of 2 big spoon, fry dish of sweet garlic powder, blessing first, rejoin water brake reachs flavoring, mix fry even hind can Cheng Qi, go up desk edible.