healthy recipes:Women's seven health food

1 the curry. Curry curcumin is an antioxidant, it can inhibit the growth of human body tumour cells, and can eliminate. (curry powder and broccoli, cabbage, etc, can match together eat greatly enhance the ability to fight curcumin).

2. American nutrition society of coffee, experts suggest a 3-5 cups of coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (diabetes), colorectal and liver. They also think that coffee of antioxidants can protect cells and DNA is not compromised. American scientists at Harvard University have in a new study also found that women drank coffee every day, suffer hypertension (bp). (if you drink too much coffee would affect about sleep (sleep), can drink some decaffeinated coffee, they still contains antioxidants, can have the same effect.

3 oatmeal. Scientists in Britain have found that, the most simple and effective methods of cholesterol, eats oats. Oats contain fiber can form a gel, effectively reduce the cholesterol intake. For breakfast, oatmeal and all morning who can keep energetic, and lunch eat less than other people. Yet, as far as possible (oats. If you choose sugar sweets, might as well try to add have oatmeal antioxidation fruits (fruit), you can kill two birds with one stone.

4 shrimp. Shrimp is a fat, protein, healthy foods rich in anti-cancer material selenium and vitamin D. People usually think of shrimp, but actually high cholesterol, shrimp and cannot contain cholesterol to improve human blood cholesterol. American Rockefeller university, according to a study of every eating small, can improve human body of shrimp, "good cholesterol. (if you buy fresh shrimps, went to the supermarket to buy frozen. Rinse with water before eating shrimp, will take the sodium, reduce 40% increased blood pressure.)

5. Dark chocolate. Dark chocolate flavonoid-rich, in the latest study shows, eating a small amount of dark chocolate, can prevent artery embolization, reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, eating chocolate can release serotonin, and helps regulate mood. (when dark chocolate, choose to buy those containing at least 60% of cocoa. If you can, and calcium (ca) slice eat together, so much the better.

6 cherry. American university of Michigan, a new study found that eating cherries to lower cholesterol and blood glucose (sugar). In 2006, a study also found eight days everyday drink 2 cups of cherry juice and exercise (exercise food), than those who don't drink more prone to muscle ache phenomenon. But when the fruit (you can eat outside, the cherry in the refrigerator in the freezer, make health "ice cream", always eat out.

7. Tomatoes. Red tomato contains abundant lycopene, and can help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease (cancer risk of food, And orange tomatoes lycopene content is red tomatoes, two times. A tomato juice, orange, can satisfy the requirements on vitamin A. (orange red tomatoes and better for tomatoes. Because of lycopene is a fat-soluble compounds, eating if overtime olive oil (oil), can promote its absorption).