Leek pickle

The practice of leek pickle introduces dish department and effect in detail: Korea arrange
The making material of leek pickle: Advocate makings: Leek 1Kg, chili face 1 cup, ginger 30g, garlic 80g, hilsa herring sauce 1 cup, white sugar 1 big spoonTeach your leek pickle how to be done, how to do leek pickle ability is delicious (1) leek is abluent, cut half.

(2) mixes soup of sauce hilsa herring is aspersed on leek.

(After 3) leek has bloated, juice of fish of teem sauce bank.

(4) puts white sugar of ﹑ of ginger of chili face ﹑ to do spice in the juice of sauce hilsa herring of teem. Mix leek outfit is in the crock