Sauce small squid

The practice of sauce small squid introduces dish department and effect in detail: Korea arrange
The making material of sauce small squid: Advocate makings: Material: ■ disrelish?2, beef 60g, chili silk green of a few fleshy spice ﹕ 1 small spoon, sesame seed 1 small spoon, sauce of pepper of ﹕ of the soy of soy 1/2 big spoon that stew 2 big spoon, candy is rare 4 big spoon, soy 2 big spoon, water 5 cups. The characteristic of sauce small squid: In eliminate splanchnic small squid head puts mix up to add the beef of spice, stews Cheng Runze's food in order to mix the spice of water of ﹑ of soy of ﹑ of thick chili sauce of candy rare ﹑, and regard it as dish of the daily life of a family or dish are pretty good.

Small squid contains substantial bovine sulphur acerbity component, and with spring productive head is full kind, ambrosial goluptious. Teach your sauce small squid how to be done, how to do sauce small squid ability is delicious (the head that 1) turns over small in the past squid, except splanchnic hind spill salt abluent fish for.

(2) beef is mincing, and flavors with spice sauce.

(3) is in the head of small squid is replete the beef that adds spice.

(4) pours soy in pan. Small squid and chili silk are put to stew when boil.

(5) to coordinate color and flavour, flip through up and down and stew to decrescent of small squid systole, soup is boiled dry, till luster.