Stew the making material of true porgy: Advocate makings: True porgy a 600g, beef 100g, dry Xianggu mushroom 3, Shi Er 4, egg 2, crowndaisy chrysanthemum 40g, carrot 60g, chili silk a few, salt of edible oily ﹑ each are right amount salt of ﹕ of true porgy spice 1 big spoon, white pepper a few, clear wine soy of ﹕ of spice of beef of 2 big spoon 1 big spoon, white sugar 0.5 big spoon, mincing green 2 small spoon, the garlic that has cut 1 small spoon, balm 1 small spoon, sesame seed 1 small spoon, Stew the characteristic of true porgy: True porgy in order to have fish of delicate olfactory plain boiled pork, all through the ages is used at wedding to wait or celebration. Contain rich protein. Adipose content is very low instead, and and comprises by fatty acid, accordingly, it is outstanding nutrient food. Teach you to stew true porgy how to be done, how to do stew true porgy ability is delicious (1) true porgy goes scale, divide splanchnic and abluent hind in two sides with Dao Wen of 2cm span lay off, good with equipment true porgy spice flavors.
(2) flavors half beef that has cut with beef spice, in installing the Dao Wen in true porgy.
(3) egg divides decoct of yoke of egg white ﹑ to come out, and cuts ossification card contrast.
(The Xianggu mushroom with 4) good bubble divides principle columns of a hall, and cuts ossification card contrast.
(Bubble of 5) stone ear divides the moss liver mosses inside to cut ossification card contrast in hot water, with saline ﹑ pepper ﹑ balm mixes divide evenly.
(6) picks crowndaisy chrysanthemum, and cuts 4cm size.
(7) carrot cuts ossification card contrast, and uses brine to iron. Make a round mass of food with the rest beef.
(8) makes the head towards the left of true porgy, abdomen ministry is forward, installs chili silk and a round mass of food to be put in stew boiler stew is ripe.
(9) cool hind stew true porgy and ready condiment match colors is put on small dish