The making material of the beefsteak that bake: Advocate makings: Material: E?Kg, Bai Cong 1, green pepper soy of ﹕ of 20 spice sauce 6 big spoon, white sugar 3 big spoon, the green that has cut 4 big spoon, the garlic that has pounded 2 big spoon, sesame seed 4 big spoon, balm 2 big spoon, pepper 1/2 small spoonThe characteristic of the beefsteak that bake: It is a beefsteak after the fleshy spice that uses the juice that add pear flavors, puts in the Korea tradition dish that bakes on charcoal fire. Acting pear juice can put monkey peach juice.
The move since soy flavors, and adds appetitive effect, and it is the spice with Korea indispensable food. Because have amino acid,sweet taste is, because and have balmy component,peculiar aroma is, and have antiseptic effect. Also because have sweet smell, can divide alimental smell of mutton. Teach you to bake beefsteak how to be done, how to do the steak that bake ability is delicious (1) cuts beefsteak into 5-6cm size, take out adipose flay, put the meat that is stuck on chop bring to the same level.
(2) every chop that has cleared away each bloats in spice sauce, wait after spice is smooth, grill is put on charcoal fire, after waiting for grill to heat up, putting chop to bake.