Chun Chuan noodles served with soy sauce

The practice of Chun Chuan noodles served with soy sauce introduces dish department and effect in detail: Korea arrange
The making material of Chun Chuan noodles served with soy sauce: Advocate makings: Material wheat area 4 cups, salt, laver of water condiment ﹕ 2 pieces, cucumber 1/2, carrot 1/2 spice sauce: Soy, cut good green, the garlic of dolly, sesame seed, mustard Mo, vinegar. Teach noodles served with soy sauce of your Chun Chuan how to be done,
2) makes sauce of spice of noodles served with soy sauce.

3) cuts carrot ﹑ cucumber into silk, and also cuts laver silk.

4) puts noodle in noodle bowl, again above and puts laver of ﹑ of carrot ﹑ cucumber, put spice sauce to mix eat.
5) can add vinegar of ﹑ of white sugar of ﹑ of the Mo that put mustard according to his hobby.
6) can regard as noodles served with soy sauce eats. ﹑ of soup of usable also pickle boils the bubble surface of soup and broth has.

Because wheat area does not have flay wear face and * is done, so a bit coarse, weigh noodles served with soy sauce