The making material of meal of soup of soya bean bud: Advocate makings: Hilsa herring 30g, water 10 cups, 250g of soya bean bud, water 3 cups, green 20g, garlic 20g, sesame seed 3 big spoon, chili face 2 big spoon, balm 1 big spoon, soy 2 big spoon, meal 5 cups, shrimp paste 3 big spoonThe characteristic of meal of soup of soya bean bud: In the soak cooked rice in soup or water in the soup of hilsa herring soup and bud of the soya bean that boil, above ﹑ of the shrimp that put sauce mixes a kind of food that heat of face of chili of ﹑ of balm of ﹑ of sesame seed of ﹑ of garlic of ﹑ of green of ﹑ of soya bean bud eats. Teach meal of soup of bud of your soya bean how to be done, how to do meal of soup of soya bean bud ability is delicious (1) goes to soya bean bud head cut remaining part, put 3 cups to water is thoroughlied cook and be fished for add spice to mix.
(2) is put in 10 cups of water hilsa herring does boiling water of hilsa herring sauce and with the boiling water that boils yellow 荳 bud lump.
(3) fills the meal in earthenware pot, above and puts shoot of yellow 荳 of ﹑ of garlic of ﹑ of green of shrimp paste ﹑, pour a lot of Tonga soy to boil.
(Face of chili of ﹑ of balm of sesame seed ﹑ is put when 4) is filled.