Steam little abalone

The practice that steams little abalone introduces dish department and effect in detail: Korea arrange
Steam the making material of little abalone: Advocate makings: Little abalone, chili silk, green, garlic, peppery, soy, white sugarTeach you to steam little abalone how to be done, how to do steamed Xiaobao fish ability is delicious (1) uses little abalone salt is abluent do a Dao Wen.

(2) chili cuts silk, after cutting garlic of good green ﹑, put a few ﹑ of balm of ﹑ of peppery ﹑ sesame seed is put again a few water has been mixed do spice.

(3) puts little abalone in pan to asperse bit of spice sauce, and puts little abalone and spice sauce again, such, layer upon layer and place good evaporate. Show splanchnic when put out a fire.