Mix the making material of wintry pink: Advocate makings: Olive oil 2 big spoon, wintry pink 2, hollow dish 5 (cut paragraph) , root of red turnip 1/4 (cut into shreds) , green 1 (cut paragraph) , onion 1/4 (cut into shreds) , saline a few, cutlet 5 (chicken, pig all but, also need not add) . Soy 2 big spoon, saccharic 1 big spoon, sesame oil 1 small spoon, black pepper, a few of white sesame seed. Mix the characteristic of wintry pink: Mix wintry pink is one of domestic arrange with the commonnest Korea, by the Korea winter pink of make it of gram, bucket wheat flour thicker and bouncy, because Taiwan is bought not easily, convert wintry pink. Teach you to mix how is wintry pink done, how to do mix wintry pink ability is delicious 1. Water boil, put wintry powder, show the fish out after transparent shape till wintry pink, drop male moisture.
2 big spoon fry 2. olive oil cutlet and vegetable.
3. prepares a big bowl, mix wintry pink and the dish flesh that had fried agitate first even, rejoin flavoring mixes divide evenly can.
Stick person: Wintry pink absorbs flavoring easily, because this winter pink and vegetable mix after divide evenly again feed in raw material flavors, flavoring just can distributing equably.