Pine nut tea

The practice of pine nut tea introduces dish department and effect in detail: Korea arrange
The making material of pine nut tea: Advocate makings: Earthnut, walnut, pine nut, chestnut. The characteristic of pine nut tea: The drive cold sweetmeats that heating up hot pine nut tea is Korea winter, nuclear fruit contains a lot ofcomposition of high grade grease, to cardiovascular disease, hairdressing, fight ageing to wait to have a help. Teach tea of your pine nut how to be done, how to make pine nut tea ability is delicious 1. Earthnut, walnut, pine nut, chestnut (also can add Yi benevolence pink) the quantity crocus such as fruit of 4 kinds of nucleuses.

With heat boiled water develops bubble when 2. is drinkable, the powder of pine nut tea of 2 teaspoon can be put in 70cc water, can join according to individual be fond of saccharic.